How to Make Valentine’s Day DIY Decor On a Budget

I’m gonna be honest – Valentine’s Day isn’t my favorite holiday, but I had so much fun challenging myself to make Valentine’s Day DIY Decor on a budget!
If you are new here, I have been collecting supplies and going on random “EXTREME SAVINGS” shopping trips because I am in the process of re-decorating a few rooms in my home!
While planning for my “re-decorating projects”, I made a promise to myself and my WALLET! My goal was to BUY EVERYTHING TO REDECORATE MY HOME EXTREMELY CHEAP and upcycle and re-do as much of it as I could myself!
Decorating can be expensive. You can do it on a budget!
I am no different than you. My family is on a budget! That’s one of the reasons I love doing DIY crafts so much – I am able to make stylish home decor for a fraction of the price that home decorating stores charge! I’m always looking for a good deal, but I challenged myself to scour every craft store in my area and only buy items that were discounted EVEN MORE!
I went to Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Family Dollar and I also rummaged around the higher ticket stores that I knew I could still get stuff cheap at! You know places like Hobby Lobby and Michael’s! I did not pay full price for anything that I purchased locally! In fact, it was either 50 % off or more for me! That was my promise to myself! GET THIS STUFF DIRT CHEAP!
Here is the thing, I didn’t plan to make a single Valentine’s Day project at all until I kept seeing it in my Pinterest feed! I was like “let me try my hand at this”! I remembered that Chalk Couture had sent me a VALENTINE’s DAY SILK SCREEN STENCIL, so I grabbed it and decided we are going to make something fun with it! I’ve just got to say this. For someone who isn’t a big fan of Valentine’s Day decorations, I am in love with how this craft turned out!

Let’s get to the craft!
I’ve attached the full-length video for you to watch (it was a LIVE video) but I also have a quick version too, if you are not much for the LIVE video experience! By the way, I tried my hand at my first MESSY BOW that we all now call the “hot mess bow”! For my first time, it turned out to be the perfect touch!
For this Valentine’s Day DIY Decor project I used these items:
You can check your local Dollar Tree, Hobby Lobby, and Michael’s for these items but here are my alternatives too. (these are my affiliate links, if you use them I may earn a commission, it does not cost you extra) (thanks for supporting me)

- Ribbon of your choice and scraps of fabric (I found my remnants at Hobby Lobby in the discounted remnants bin)

- Stencil of your choice, I used one sent to me by Chalk Couture

- Hot Glue gun
- Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- floral wire
- rotary cutter
- Paint of your choice (I used the red that was sent to me by Chalk Couture)
- Floral cutters

Even though I used things I found locally in my area, you can totally create your own version with your own supplies! Again, the list I shared are alternatives to what I used. All of the recommendations were the cheapest I could find! I prefer to use what I have on hand honestly, but you can and should get creative!
Look at that bow!

BY THE WAY! My girl Melanie is amazing at the messy bow! She was def my inspiration for the bow! Be sure to check her out and have a look at her “messy bow“! (the great part about creativity is we all have our own styles and that is the best part of inspiration) I just had to give her some love and a big thank you for helping me make this project much easier than I expected!
I can make that!
I encourage you to sit down and make what you want! But here is the quick run down if you want to make your own project like this one!
I cut my canvas fabric, to the size I wanted! I applied for my stencil! My popsicle sticks were not enough to go across so I used my floral cutters to cut them into different sizes! Next, I laid out my canvas and hot glue my popsicle sticks to the front on top and bottom, I did have to overlap which was fine. Lastly, I added my popsicle stick supports to the back.
We made our “HOTMESS BOW” and added a cute button to the front to cover the zip tie! I felt the bottom needed something, so we used our ribbon and a few buttons. Last we glued on our jute rope for the hanger! The project was complete, and I LOVE IT! My mom absolutely loved this project so I gave it to her to use in her home!

Well, that’s it for this Valentine’s Day Decor DIY on a Budget! I hope you enjoyed this craft as much as I did! Make sure to sign up for my newsletter!
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