Free Lemon Truck Printable

I did a super fun DIY project over on my Facebook page using this Free Lemon Truck printable, which I found on the internet of course! (it is not mine, I do not own it, this is merely an example of what I used) If you want to watch the Free Printable DIY tutorial replay you can catch it below.
The Lemon Truck Printable I used was super cute! Because I love making my own printables, I made one of my own printables that you can download for free! If you are on a budget and are eager to make something super duper cute, this FREE LEMON TRUCK printable will be perfect for you!

This is a pdf file of a cute Buffalo Check FREE Lemon Truck Printable. Get your FREE printable below!

Here’s what I made with the printable I found online! ♥️ Watch the Facebook live DIY tutorial REPLAY

I also made my very own DIY bow maker and could not resist making a cute bow for this as well. I thought I would show you how cute it is with a bow if you like that sort of thing.

Grab my other free printables on my blog. I love to create my own printable things too. Hope you come back often to check out what is new on my blog.
Maybe you might want to snag this FREE Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy PRINTABLE to go with your collection as well!
Before you go, If you love to Craft and DIY and you are looking for a community, you should consider joining my PRIVATE VIP community called The Creative Haven VIP! Guess what, it is open to new members, you can learn more about it right here! (it is a craft along paid group) but there are hundreds of members there who are like one big family, plus I am there too!
Wonder where I get my supplies?
I get my supplies where ever I can, but I do love Amazon! Remember, You can shop my ENTIRE AMAZON Favorites shop just click here! It is packed full of all the things I use and love. Here is the supply list I highly recommend! I hope you have loved this week’s blog post and are inspired! Be sure to pin my blog for later and get on my newsletter alerts! It is easy to sign up here! Not only do I love my entrepreneur friends, I absolutely adore my #CRAFTYCREW too!


Ty for inspiring us all
Thanks for all the great freebies
Thank you Amber! The printables are beautiful.
Thank you Amber for making these printables available to your crafting family.
I would to use this printable
Thank you so very much. For all your doing and do for us. Thank you for being you!
Thank you. I can’t wait to make something with it.
Love all your crafts! I’m going broke trying to make everything and then some!
Free printable
Love watching you craft!!
It’s so cute!!
Can’t wait to get this printable
love your diy;s
Sorry, so new at this ! What kind of paper do I use to print these printable’s on ? The Lemon Truck and the Squeeze the Day, Red Truck. Thank You
Love the truck
You are awesome, I love all your fabulous ideas!!
what an awesome print got to have love lemons and old trucks!! have just the spot to hang it!!!!
Like this craft a lot!
I just love your crafts and your personality
Iove it!