DIY Tomato Cage Christmas Trees

DIY Tomato Cage Christmas Trees
I love a good indoor/outdoor Christmas Decoration DIY. So, why not make our very own DIY Tomato Cage Christmas Trees. If you are not a green thumb like me then you most likely have a nice collection of Tomato cages like I do. I attempted to grow my very own tomatoes this year and I failed miserably!

Rather than throw away these tomato cages I am going to turn them into a super cute Dollar Tree Christmas DIY! I will show you how to make tomato cage Christmas trees that you can use inside your home or outside on your front porch! This tomato cage Christmas tree will include a easy messy bow using fabric, buffalo check fabric, Dollar Tree Christmas garland, a Dollar Tree wire mesh trash can and Red truck fabric.

Tomato Cage Christmas Tree DIY
I have seen a few ideas over on Pinterest, but I figured as always I can make something that is even cuter!

For this Tomato Cage Christmas Tree DIY tutorial, I went straight to my craft and Christmas stash! There were only a few things I had to get extra, so hopefully, you also have all the supplies to make one yourself. This DIY project is made in my private crafting group called the Creative Haven. Sorry, but this one isn’t open to the public! You must be a member to get the full details. You can join here!

Christmas Trees using recycled tomato cages
This week’s CREATIVE HAVEN member’s only DIY project is DIY Tomato Cage Christmas Trees

Private Group Crafting!
This post may one day be public, but just in case it never does go public, and you want to get in on this creation and make it with me and my creative haven friends, you can get the full how-to tutorial and experience of the how to make a DIY Tomato Cage Christmas Trees right inside the Creative Haven!

Plus, in the Creative Haven, you gain access to the supply list in advance, a full schedule, monthly celebrity crafters, VIP experience where you can ask your questions, and a safe community to hang out, chat, show off your creations, and have fun!
Alright, let’s have a look at the supplies that we will need!
November 16th, 2020 Supply List for how to make DIY Tomato Cage Christmas Trees

You will need: (items shown in the photo or any substitution you prefer) Don’t forget, you are not required to use the exact items! “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.”
- 1 metal or plastic tomato cage
- Dollar Tree mesh trash bin or basket
- Christmas garland from Dollar Tree
- Zip Ties
- Cardboard box, Foamboard, or a wood board
- Pip Berry garland I got mine from Dollar Tree
- The fabric or ribbon of your choice
- Glue Gun and Glue Sticks

The supply list is a list of what will be used, but there are no specifications as to how much of the items you will need. This will be determined after the project has been completed.
Please substitute where you can!
If you want to make one of these and you do not happen to have all the supplies on hand, you can always substitute out items. You can make this tomato cage Christmas tree to go on your porch or inside your home. You can use fabric, mesh, ribbon, or not at all to make these tomato cages Christmas trees.

If it is not in your budget to purchase supplies, please get creative and think outside the box! Ask yourself, “What else could you use?” Furthermore, do you have things at home you can use? You can still craft with us! BUYING SUPPLIES FOR THE CRAFTS in the Creative Haven is not a requirement. I simply want you to craft with us and make it your own.

Use your creative imagination to make this your own!
All items suggested are simply that, a suggestion. If you can not use the items selected, please substitute where you can! In the Creative Haven, we craft together in a private group and share our DIY IDEAS. You gain access to bonus content and exclusive members-only content. This content is not available to the public for at least 30 days but there is no promise that the content will ever be made public.
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(Items linked are affiliate links. If a purchase is made through one of my links, I may earn a small commission, but that does not cost you any extra.)
Come Chat, Craft, and DIY with us inside the Private Creative Haven VIP Community! You can cancel anytime!

You can also shop my ENTIRE AMAZON Favorites shop just click here! It’s packed full of all the things I use and love. Here is the supply list; I highly recommend every creative have on hand!! Would you also pin my blog for later and get on my newsletter alerts? I would love to have you join my #craftycrew.
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