DIY Farmhouse Decor from a Dollar Tree Sink Mat

I made this DIY Farmhouse Decor from a Dollar Tree Sink Mat, and I am absolutely in love with it! I love this project so much that it has been hanging in my bedroom since I made it!
Dollar Tree mop heads are not an uncommon item in my DIY projects, but I had never used a Dollar Tree sink mat. But you know me! I’m always looking for ways to make unique home decor out of affordable items!
Watch the DIY tutorial
I recorded the how-to steps of this adorable DIY Farmhouse Decor during two LIVE videos on my Facebook page.
If you want to see the process, craft along or just join in on the fun conversations, you can watch the replays! (warning during this project, I shared a heartfelt conversation and opened up about some things with my family)
For this project, I will be using these items but you can substitute where you want.
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- Dollar Tree Cotton Mop Head
- Dollar Tree Microfiber Mop Head
- Professional Contractor Shims
- Dollar Tree Plastic Sink Mat
- Apple Barrel Burnt Umber Acrylic Paint
- Hot Glue gun
- Glue Sticks

How to Make DIY Farmhouse Decor from a Dollar Tree Sink Mat
Start with your Dollar Tree microfiber mop head, the one that is grey and white, and unwind the strings. You’re going to want to break the plastic piece of the mop head to remove the strings.
I usually use my aviation snips or a pair of scissors to break the plastic. However you do it, be careful not to cut your fingers!

Once you have the plastic piece removed, you’ll see that the mop head is one long string that is wound up. You’ll want to unwind it and start weaving it through the Dollar Tree sink mat.
I pushed the string horizontally across the sink mat, and cut the string once it was all the way through each section.

Next, you need the cotton mop strings from Dollar Tree. These are all white. Remove the plastic piece just like you did with the microfiber mop.
Once you have the strings separated, start weaving them vertically through the horizontal microfiber strings.

After you weave the strings vertically, you’ll go back in with the cotton strings and weave them horizontally between the vertical cotton strings.
Bring it all together
Once you’re happy with the way your mop head sink mat looks, you’ll pull the strings tight and hot glue them at the edge of the sink mat to keep them tight and in place.

For this next step, you can either use the professional shims that I used or paint sticks as a substitute.
Either way, you’re going to stain the wood to create your backing for the woven mop string sink mat. First, I stacked the shims (about 3 per stack) to make the backing a bit thicker.

Once you know how wide you need the backing to be, lay them side by side and hot glue wood vertically across the back of the shims to secure them together.
Next, I hot glue a piece of wood horizontally across the top of the back of the wood backing. This is how you’re going to hang the decor once it is finished.

How to stain wood
Now you’re ready to stain the front of your wooden backing! To do this, get your paint (I used Dixie Belle Paint, but Apple Barrel would work just fine) and some wet wipes.
Use the wet wipes to spread the paint across the wooden surface. The water in the wet wipes helps the wood absorb the paint pigment and gives it the perfect stained finished!

Allow the wood to dry (I used my heat gun to speed up the drying process), then hot glue the Dollar Tree sink mat with the woven Dollar Tree mop strings onto the wooden surface.
I hope you enjoyed this DIY Farmhouse Decor from a Dollar Tree Sink Mat as much as I did and decide to make it for yourself! If you do, I would love to see how yours turns out!

You should totally join my FREE Facebook group called On A Budget Crafts! It is a judgment-free community for DIY crafters to show off their projects and ideas.
If you loved this DIY, you might also like these Dollar Tree Windmill DIY Home Decor Ideas!
Thanks for stopping by! XOXO Amber
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Looks awesome, great design for any room
This is a really cute project using a sink mat! I will have to make one to decorate my home. Thanks for sharing because I missed it before.
I remember when you made this! I made it after I watched you. I added the decorative wooden spoons from DG onto them. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This project looks cool. It kind of reminded me of the pot holders we use to make with the loom maker but on a larger scale.
This one was awesome! Thank you for sharing!
This is a very cool project!! I love it